World Trade Center Delaware offers workshop for local business interested in selling to NATO2/23/2018
Via World Trade Center Delaware Every year, NATO spends $2-to-$4 billion on everything from weapons systems to toilet paper to support its operations around the world – and every supply purchase and consulting contract is sourced exclusively from NATO member companies. This provides a significant advantage to properly registered and eligible American businesses.
World Trade Center Delaware and the U.S. Foreign Commercial Service Brussels will host “How to Sell to NATO: Opportunities and Best Practices,” a workshop on Feb. 28 that will offer advice and direction to Delaware companies interested in pursuing NATO contracts. Ira Bel, the senior commercial specialist for the USFCS in Brussels, will lead the workshop. NATO regularly requests proposals for a variety of supplies and services that span multiple Delaware-based industries, including healthcare equipment, consultant and training services, construction and road-building equipment, engineering skills, information technology, environmental services, agriculture and more. The workshop will feature information on products and services NATO needs now (and what it will likely need in the near future), advice on how to navigate the NATO Support Procurement Agency, and tips on successful bidding. Delaware businesses will also learn more about innovation challenges and other programs that NATO’s procurement agencies offer specifically for small and medium-sized companies. “How to Sell to NATO: Opportunities and Best Practices” will take place from 8-11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 28 at Delaware Technology Park, 1 Innovation Way, Newark. The cost is $50 for members of World Trade Center Delaware and $100 for non-members. The World Trade Center Delaware is a private-sector, nonprofit organization helping Delaware companies to succeed in the international marketplace. With a primary focus on export promotion, the WTC Delaware develops programs to assist businesses and organizations including educational and networking events, market research, and consulting. WTC Delaware is the Associate Office for the U.S. Department of Commerce in Delaware, EXIM Bank's Delaware representative (REPP), and a U.S. Trade and Development Agency Making Global Local Partner. EVENT DETAILS Event: How to Sell to NATO: Opportunities and Best Practices Time: 8-11:30 a.m. Date: Wednesday, Feb. 28 Location: Delaware Technology Park, 1 Innovation Way, Newark Cost: $50/members of World Trade Center Delaware; $100/non-members Register at: Media Contact: Matt Sullivan, WTCDE communications (302) 354-3306, [email protected] Comments are closed.
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