New Statistics Detailing New Investment in the U.S. by Foreign Direct Investors Are Now Available11/30/2015
Via U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Economic Analysis:
Statistics detailing the amount and type of new investment made in the United States by foreign direct investors to acquire, establish, or expand U.S. businesses are now available from the Bureau of Economic Analysis. The statistics cover new investments initiated in 2014 and offer details on these investments, including the countries from which the new investment originates, the U.S. industries that are drawing new investments, and U.S. states where new investments are located. BEA previously collected and published similar information on acquisitions and establishments but discontinued the series with survey year 2008 because of budget constraints. The reinstated statistics now include expansions of existing U.S. businesses in an effort to more fully capture “greenfield” investments. Greenfield investment includes establishments of new companies by foreign investors and expansions of existing companies. Here are some highlights from the statistics:
For more information, see the November 30th press release and data tables. Statistics for 2015 and revised statistics for 2014 will be released in the summer of 2016. Source Comments are closed.
July 2023